Sunday, August 9, 2009


I never wish to take you for granted
Lose sight of the special things
The little things
Do you know,
How much it brings me joy
To hear you in the kitchen, totally tuned out…
Rummaging about, mumbling little things

Or how ‘bout
Feeling the thrum of your heart
Under my hand
As we watch a movie totally enthralled
(I don’t watch the movies as much you know,
I look down at you…)

Or how much joy
I receive when we wake
Limbs tangled like roots
Hair brushing my face
Scent of you hanging in the room
Sound of breathing intermingled

I move through my day
As in years past, only now
Seeing little snippets of you
In my mind
In the sunlight outside
Or the joy in a childs face

Hope springs, that in your day
Little things, big things
Events and happenstance
Rises thoughts of me, of us
How we are meant to be

Won’t take this for granted
Not again, not ever
I cherish, each little gift
Your morning kiss,
Your evening smile
The gentle words of your love
I am content!

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